Sugar Addiction: A Hidden Threat and How to Break Free from It

Sugar seems harmless – it’s not associated with cigarettes or alcohol, but its consumption creates an addiction that millions of people face. Can you break free from it once and for all? And how can you do it without stressing your body?

Sugar seems harmless – it’s not associated with cigarettes or alcohol, but its consumption creates an addiction that millions of people face. Can you break free from it once and for all? And how can you do it without stressing your body?

Why Does Sugar Cause Addiction?

Sugar stimulates the production of serotonin and dopamine – the pleasure hormones. The more sweet foods we eat, the stronger the body demands new "doses." Completely cutting out sugar can lead to anxiety, fatigue, and depression, which triggers a new cycle of addiction.

How to Control the Craving for Sweets?

Experts don’t recommend abruptly quitting sugar – it’s almost impossible. It’s important to gradually reduce sugar intake, replacing harmful sweets with healthier alternatives. For example, consuming enough protein helps prevent “sugar cravings.”

Can You Eat Fruit?

Fruit contains fructose, but unlike industrial sugar, it’s healthy in moderate amounts. Experts suggest eating no more than two servings a day, with a preference for berries and less sweet fruits.

How to Replace Sugar?

Physical activity is a great alternative to sweets. Exercise stimulates dopamine production, creating a sense of happiness without harming health. It’s also helpful to replace sweets with nuts, dates, and other natural products.

How Quickly Do Results Appear?

The first changes after cutting out sugar are noticeable within 2-3 days. However, discomfort and a strong desire to eat something sweet may arise. It’s important to maintain balance and remember that a small amount of sugar is acceptable – for instance, the WHO recommends no more than 25 grams per day.

Complete elimination of sugar is not the goal itself. The key is moderation and awareness. By properly reducing sugar intake, you can improve health, energy levels, and overall well-being without strict restrictions.

Sugar Addiction: A Hidden Threat and How to Break Free from It

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